Sunday, December 30, 2012


I retired for nearly two years
for student reporters are dedicated to do the best
but now I want to learn team does not need us
24 in my heart...we are always the best team!
perhaps this is not our time
xxj one year one year how many of our old session

From the incessant activity busy even forget hunger
until now nothing without looking at what they have to help
perhaps we have not into their topic
when primary school are really good

Why is this so?
all is not good?
private message many heard
maybe in the eyes of others we are not good enough.
they say that is a problem.
but I think you should perhaps explain to us?
we do not read do not know what you want.
what   is a need to explain to us
we owe you a lot of...I'm sorry
you must have read our intentions
but this kind of treatment is really easy
that feeling seems intrusive.
no anything
have paid to come here for THESE.
what for?
said early then we r no nid to be like this.

why waste everyone's time
after you happy? DELETE.
maybe a big hurt from u.
we are we don't need replace
at this stage have replaced
that piece of paper, we have not do something
can u pls give us a chance?
that is really important thing to trust

Protagonist of destroyed a private message is us.
we should be disappointed
if interpretation may resolve the problem.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


很开心 我家老豆终于开窍了!
换了台cpu 真的好多了 :D

回来了  又离去
假期就是这样  但最长的就快到了
我中了plkn masjid tanah,melaka 第一批!
有些些开心  但却又担心
很复杂  但期待总多过害怕 :)
感觉  我将去3个月的  培训营呢 :S

考完试 漫长的假期.....唉
会一直回想 怎么办 怎么办 会怎样
好像得了忧郁症一样 咳 要怎样不去回想?
我会想负面  多过正面
对我来说  我应该这样。

一放假 就好像家族旅行这样去到了越南~
出国搭飞机  已经是两年前的事了
去到越南总会想起自己的故乡 不管有时会有多少批评
但到了那里  你会觉得  能出生在马来西亚  真的很不错!
不能一次过把很多照片放上来 ishhh.....
这边 我想说的就是  这里几乎每一餐都有长长的香蕉 帮助排泄呀...

这是changi airport的一间accessories 店 哇我真的很喜欢!!

越南飞机餐 ermmm我不喜欢 :S

等飞机时消磨时间做的  真的很特别!

call me 越南妹!哈哈

我喜欢^^ 几个孩子在hotel抢网线哈哈
还有阿 我真的很想在这里称赞新加坡的changi airport
全亚洲数一数二的机场  厕所超干净
我马上想到的东西就是 很多明星都到过这个机场呢!
太棒了 里面真的很美!:)

因为是年尾 越南四分之三以上都是摩托车@@
很恐怖很恐怖  我真的没办法形容呃....很夸张那种..
越南很不错的东西就是那边的风景 很美很诗情画意!


还有 媒婆的女儿可以叫什么??? 哈哈哈哈自我感觉良好= =

婚礼 有种感觉我不是很适应..不知道是人怪还是心情
婚礼上还看到可爱的韶殷和wendy :D
还是跟你们聊天比较开心 :)